Market Report
Buy or Sell First?
Good question. Unfortunately, like with many good questions, there is no one clear answer. The answer really is: it depends. It depends on your personal preference, the type of home you are selling, the type of home you are buying and the current market conditions.
Option 1) Selling first (preferably with a long closing) and then buying, mitigates the risk of carrying two properties at the same time. But putting your home up for sale before having found your new home can provide uncertainty. What if you cannot find a home you like? If you are looking for an unusual home, this is not practical and you may find yourself leasing in the interim.
However, if you are clear on the type of home, the neighborhood, the price AND you find several places that meet your criteria, then putting your home up for sale first may be your option.
Option 2) Buying first, especially if you are looking for a unique property, can make the most sense. But keep in mind, if you are unable to sell your existing home within the closing period, you may be left carrying the cost of two properties. Bridge financing is available, but the term may be limited.
This option ensures you buy the home you love, but keep in mind, a unique property will be in high demand, so buying conditionally on the sale of your home may not be an option. Are you willing to buy firm (no conditions)?
As you can see, there is merit to both options. You may even find yourself selling first this time and buying first next time. Really…it just depends…